Complaints Policy

Have a complaint about our service?

We aim to provide all customers with an excellent standard of service and appreciate that this includes efficiently and fairly handling any complaints and feedback.

The following information sets out our complaints procedure, but please note that we are constantly updating and improving our service, so we may update this policy from time to time.

The complaints procedure covers issues related to the services we provide. If you have an issue with a third-party service, please direct your complaint to the relevant third-party.

Complaints Procedure

Step 1: Before submitting a complaint

Prior to contacting us, you may find it helpful to read through our terms and conditions and refund and cancellation policy, as they may contain information regarding your issue.

We also suggest looking through our Find Quick Answers section on the website which provide answers to some of the most common questions that our customers have.

Step 2: Contact us

If you are unable to resolve your issue using the resources mentioned above, or you are still experiencing issues with our standard of service, you should contact us so that we can put things right for you.

We pride ourselves on our customer service and can solve most issues at this stage.

To get in touch, please contact our dedicated Customer Service Manager. They will be best placed to help you with your issue as they will be most familiar with your matter.

Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Support Team by phone on 020 3908 0044, Monday to Friday, from 8:30am to 5:30pm.

Step 3: Submit a formal complaint

In the unlikely event that your issue cannot be resolved informally, the next step is to submit a formal complaint to us.

You can do this by sending an email using the subject line "Complaint" to [email protected].

When you submit your complaint, please ensure that it contains your full name, order number and all relevant details concerning your complaint.

Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge it via email within 2 working hours.

We investigate all complaints we receive and aim to provide a detailed response within 1 working day where possible. However, depending on the intricacy of the complaint and whether we need any further information to investigate it fully, a longer response time may be necessary.

We will always keep you updated on when you should expect a response from us and how we are progressing with your complaint.